
Our Prouducts

IUI Complete Lab Setting Up Product

Heating Block Test Tube Warmer
Remi Centrifuges
Makler Chamber
Liquid Nitrogen Containers


  • LAB Designing for ART Procedure like as IUI & IVF.
  • Hands on Training for Andrology Service.
  • Vitrolab IUI Kit
  1. 100ML Semen Collection Container
  2. 15ML Centrifuge Tube
  3. 3ML Pasteur Pipette
  4. IUI Catheter
  • Frelancing Service for Andrology and Embryology Services.
  • Instrument for IntraUterine Insemination (IUI), In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Software Creation of Andrology Services. (Report Format)
  • To Provide disposable and Plastic wears its related to ART Procedure.
  • Follicular Aspiration Set (Egg Retrieval) & Embryo Transfer Set.
  • To Provide ART Procedure Media like as IUI, IVF and ICSI Procedure.
  • Sperm Functional Test (Reagents):
  1. Diff Quick stain Kit
  2. DNA Fragmentation Index
  3. Fructose Reagent
  4. HOS Reagent

We are practicing the standards and guidelines of ICMR for Donor Selection, Screening as well as for Processing Testing & Distribution of semen Samples.